Ownership and Responsibility

Service Requests allows you to specify the user who is overseeing the completion of a request or project (Responsibility) as well as the support rep who is responsible for completing the work (Ownership). For example, a new hire project completion is being monitored by a Human Resources Manager. This is an ideal opportunity to assign responsibility to this manager. There are several technicians who may be working on tasks to complete this project. For each task, ownership should be assigned per task so you specify who has assumed ownership for its completion.

Assigning Ownership

Under the Current Location work area of a service request, click on Unassigned under the Assign Work field.

1. You will have the option to select a user who is assigned to the queue this request resides in. If the request is in dispatch, you will be asked to select a queue location this request should be associated with (for reporting purposes). 2. Once the request is saved, it will appear under In Service in your Workspace:

Notes Regarding Ownership

Assigning Responsibility

  1. Under the Current Location work area of a service request, click on Unassigned under the Assign Responsibility field.
  2. You will have the option to select a user who has the Update role on the queue this request is assigned to.
  3. Once the request is saved, it will appear under My Responsibility in your Workspace:

Notes Regarding Responsibility

This page was last modified 2015-07-28T13:56:07Z .

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