APHIS regulates the import of specific live animals and germplasm (semen, oocytes, embryos, and cloning tissue) into the United States to prevent the spread of animal diseases. These regulations apply to many species of animals, but not all. Read on to learn how to bring live animals and their germplasm into the United States and the species of animals APHIS regulates.
If you're looking for information about traveling with a pet, visit Pet Travel.
Note: For import purposes, livestock (including cows, goats, potbellied pigs, and other species) and poultry (including chickens) are not considered pets. Refer to the live animal requirements below to bring any livestock or poultry into the United States.
If the animal species or commodity you want to import is not listed below, it may not fall under APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) regulations, and you may not need a VS permit. However, you may still need a permit from another Federal agency like the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is the importer’s responsibility to comply with the requirements of all regulatory agencies.