Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

Using Law and Policy to Promote Breastfeeding in the United States

Law and Health Policy

More than 4 out of 5 women breastfeed their babies immediately after birth, 1 but many encounter barriers that keep them from continuing to breastfeed despite health benefits for both mother and baby. Laws and policies can help communities increase breastfeeding rates. Laws and policies also supported the achievement of ambitious national goals proposed by Healthy People 2020.

This is a summary of the report, The Role of Law and Policy in Assisting Families to Reach Healthy People’s Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Breastfeeding Goals in the United States, which was the third in a series of reports that highlighted the practical application of law and policy to improve health across the nation. Each report also had success stories, or Bright Spots, that illustrated how communities had used law and policy to help meet their health goals and achieve Healthy People targets.

This report presented evidence-based policy solutions that community and tribal leaders, government officials, public health professionals, health care providers, lawyers, and social service providers could use in their own communities. Many of these policy solutions aligned with action steps identified in the 2011 resource The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding. 2

Key Finding: Enhanced maternity care practices, provider training, access to supplies, and increased insurance coverage contribute to early adoption and continued breastfeeding

Key Finding: Family leave policies contribute to improved breastfeeding outcomes

Key Finding: State implementation of federal assistance programs plays an important role in breastfeeding promotion

Featured Graphic: Programs that Address Barriers to Breastfeeding

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federal program that gives states block grants to assist low-income families through services like cash assistance and job training.

Key Finding: Policies that support breastfeeding in places like workplaces, child care facilities, and public spaces encourage optimal breastfeeding practices

Featured Graphic: Breastfeeding Accommodations in Your Community

Laws and policies at the federal, state, tribal, and local levels can help reduce barriers for parents who want to breastfeed.

Key Finding: More research is needed to better understand the effectiveness of laws and policies that promote breastfeeding


The Healthy People 2020 objectives related to improving breastfeeding practices in the United States are ambitious, but attainable. In fact, 3 of the targets have been met. To continue to improve and reach additional targets, federal, state, and local communities and organizations should leverage existing laws and policies.

To help the Nation meet health objectives related to breastfeeding, it’s important to:

Taking these steps will help ensure that families live in communities and environments that adequately promote and support breastfeeding, contributing to better health nationwide.

Related Healthy People 2020 Objectives

1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. The Surgeon General’s call to action to support breastfeeding [Internet]. Washington (DC): 2011, cited 2019 Mar 20. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/books/NBK52684/?report=reader.

2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General. The Surgeon General’s call to action to support breastfeeding [Internet]. Washington (DC): 2011, cited 2019 Mar 20. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/books/NBK52684/?report=reader.

3. Bartick MC, Schwarz EB, Green BD, Jegier BJ, Reinhold AG, Golaizy TT, Bogen DL, Schaefer AJ, Stube AM. Suboptimal breastfeeding in the United States: maternal and pediatric outcomes and costs. Maternal & Child nutrition. 2017 Jan;13(1):e12366.

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10. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employee benefits in the United States National Compensation Survey: employee benefits in the United States, March 2017 (Tables 16 and 32) [Internet]. Washington (DC): 2017 Sept, cited 2017 October 16. Available from:

11. National Partnership for Women and Families. Updating the Family Medical Leave Act [Internet]. Washington (DC): 2016 Jun, cited 2019 Mar 25. Available from: updating-the-fmla.pdf.

12. Huang R, Yang M. Paid maternity leave and breastfeeding practice before and after California’s implementation of the nation’s first paid family leave program. Econ & Human Bio. 2015 Jan 31;16:45-59.